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Indie Developer Spotlight: Fearless Little Toaster

Indie Developer Spotlight: Fearless Little Toaster

It is our pleasure to feature a very cool Indie studio (plus, their NAME!) straight out of Davis: Fearless Little Toaster

These guys are responsible for Galaxy Dominion, a game for sale exclusively on iOS. They're just a couple of friends who are passionate about games and have been grinding their way after work hours (#indiedevlife) to create Galaxy Dominion.

They're working towards their PhD during development (one of them still is, and the other has graduated). Meanwhile Ryan, their CEO, juggles a full time position in finance.

They firmly believe in quality games with good story telling and strong characters. They've made a strong effort to take mini-RTS games like Auralux and Galcon to a new level in every way with better graphics, story, diverse gameplay, Multi-player, & strategic upgrades.

You can view their trailer & buy their game at their respective links below! Cheers to the Fearless Little Toaster crew! Keep up the great work!

Download in the App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/groundbreakers-inc./id823763246?ls=1&mt=8

If you're an Indie Studio here in Sacramento and have a new or current release of a game online, either Mobile, PC, or Console, please let us know and we'll be sure to make mention of it on a future, upcoming IGDA Sacramento newsletter!


Originally published February 2015

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