

Welcome to my blog. I share with you everything I love from culture and community to food and tech.


#WeAreHere, Sacramento! September, GO!!!

#WeAreHere, Sacramento! September, GO!!!


Did you all have an awesome Labor Day weekend? Did you still need another day to recoup? Another week? Well, do what you need to because September is filled with an exciting set of events to help you forget about that holiday that was yesterday...

By the way, I am insanely excited (!!!) to announce that we have locked a venue for our upcoming IGDA Sacramento Indie Arcade 2016 event!!! Our next S.I.A. event will take place at the West Sacramento Community Center on Saturday, April 9th, 2016! If you've ever been to a SacGeeks May the 4th event, then you've been there and you know how awesome that place looks!

For S.I.A. 2016, we are also excited to announce we'll be working in conjunction with the excellent & progressive thinkers at the West Sac Community Center, SacGeeks & their upcoming Intergalactic Expo (IGX) event & team, Atari Party (because they need to come back!!!), & more! STAY TUNED FOR UPDATES, COMING SOON!

#WeAreHere, Sacramento! I'm pretty sure I've said this before. The unity in community! Inclusion, not exclusion. Are you ready?

September, GO!!!

Making a 2D Game in Unity 5
Date: Saturday, September 12th, 2015, 11am-2pm
Location: Art Institute of Sacramento, Room 249, Sacramento, CA

Meetup Info: For those who know Unity, you know that Unity 5 is a huge step up from Unity 4! With the inclusion of 2D w/3D, the spotlight on Unity has become even brighter. It's time to see the light...in 2D!

Event Link: http://www.meetup.com/gamedeveloper/events/225031574/

Game Audio & Demo Feedback Night
Date: Tuesday, September 15th, 2015, 6-9pm
Location: Café Colonial, Sacramento, CA

Meetup Info: A super fun addition (huge thanks to Garrett on this idea!) to the Demo Feedback/Open Controller night! Some thump-thumps w/your pew-pews! Are your nerdy ears ready?

Event Link:http://www.meetup.com/gamedeveloper/events/224926133/

Progressive Game Jam #4 (2015-2016)
Date: Saturday, September 26th, 2015, 11am-6pm
Location: Café Colonial, Sacramento, CA

Meetup Info: I've seen some tremendous progress already with our current teams! My nerdy heart skips in leaps & bounds for them all! Also, we're almost to the halfway point of our next 2016 IGDA Sacramento Indie Arcade event! *NERD GASP*

Event Link:http://www.meetup.com/gamedeveloper/events/224925775/

SPECIAL EVENT: Code for Hood Youth Hackathon #2
Date: Friday, September 11th to Sunday, September 13th, 2015
Location: West Sacramento Community Center, 1075 West Capitol Ave, West Sac, CA

Meetup Info: Calling all young inspiring hackers and makers! Code For Hood Youth Hackathon 2, ages 12-17 is coming! Join us for 2.5 days of workshops and hackathon goodness.

Learn. Make. Create.

Our youth will focus on learning, coding, 3D drawing, engineering, electronics, entrepreneurship, & more! Make a cool project and compete for awesome prizes!

Event Link: http://www.meetup.com/HackerLab/events/224752431/

Featured Indie Dev Spotlight
Studio Team: NDXP Games, headed by Nefer Doan
Game Title: Turtle Sprint
Cost: Free! 99 cents to remove ads! (part of your purchase will be go to Sea Turtle conservation efforts; How friggin cool!)
Game Info: One of our IGDA members, Nefer Doan, from the Bay Area (we're taking over the Bay, WOOOT!) has a small game out for the iPad called Turtle Sprint!

"Dodge angry crabs and outrun hungry birds! 
Help baby sea turtles get away from predators— 
and to the ocean as fast as you can!"

Turtle Sprint is a single-player family-friendly obstacle game, ideal for ages 8 and older, and contains 20 Levels of Gameplay!

Please show your support and download their game here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/turtle-sprint/id1003088174

As always, we want to know what YOU want to see in an upcoming IGDA Sacramento event! Let us know which past sessions you've liked, what you didn’t, what you want to learn and what events you’d like to see happen!



-IGDA Sacramento Board

Gabriel G. - Chairman, gabriel AT igdasacramento DOT org
Briana Aea - Marketing Coordinator
Colin Sullivan - Vice Chairman

P.S. Don't forget to check us out, follow, like and spread the Sacramento Game Dev love with our links below!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SacDevCreatives 
Youtube: Sacramento Developer Collective Playlist
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SacramentoGameDevelopers/ 


Originally published 9/8/15

Indie Developer Spotlight: NDXP Games

Indie Developer Spotlight: NDXP Games

Indie Developer Spotlight: Garrett McPherson

Indie Developer Spotlight: Garrett McPherson