All in Life During COVID-19


A poem summarizing one aspect of my experience as part of this community I didn’t realize I would join. The Sandwich Generation is defined as a generation of people in their 30’s or 40’s who are responsible for bringing up their own minor children and for the care of their aging parents. To learn more about this experience, please read this New York Times article, “It’s Pretty Brutal: The Sandwich Generation Pays a Price.”

Life During COVID-19: Day 258

I smiled as we approached the front gate and heard music emanating from the carousel. I LOVE amusement parks; so much so that I worked at one as a teenager. The thrill of going upside down on a roller coaster, the smell of a fresh churro or funnel cake, and the collective energy from fellow attendees screams fun! This was our first time visiting the amusement park together. Masks on and a mini backpack loaded with hand sanitizer and wipes, we made our way towards the entrance.

Life During COVID-19: Day 50

With today’s unusual current events it is more important than ever to keep our spirits up during an abnormally lonely time. It’s been 50 days since coronavirus arrived in California. Social gatherings have been limited to 250 people, sporting events are canceled and even Disneyland is closed. Aside from going outdoors to exercise or for essential trips to the grocery stores, we don’t have many options remaining but to stay in our homes for the safety of our family and others.